
Prior 学习 Assessment

All dissertations and theses must be submitted to ProQuest. 下面的指南将引导您完成提交过程. 如果你 have questions, please Email the Registrar's OfficeIn addition to the ProQuest database, 所有的学位论文和论文将存放在大学的机构库中, ODU Digital Commons (see below). Print copies are no longer retained in the libraries.


Please be sure you have the following:

  1. The final, approved dissertation/thesis in PDF format. This must be one file. 不要上传初稿-只上传最终的,经批准的作品. 注意: pdf文件的标题页应该列出委员会成员,但没有签名.

  2. Optional 补充文件: images, sound, etc. 这是论文的组成部分,但不是全文的一部分.

  3. Subject category list. 选择一个主要类别和两个可选的补充主题领域. 注:如果你需要帮助选择合适的科目, contact the libraries' Lead Cataloger, 凯西·琼斯 via Email.

  4. 关键字. Optional (but useful), up to six. Can include phrases.

  1. 点击 在这里 and click the "Sign up and get started today!”按钮. 如果您已经有一个帐户,请使用该帐户下面的Login选项.
  2. 在“创建帐户页面”上,填写所需字段,然后单击“创建”."
  3. 您将收到一封Email,要求您确认并激活您的帐户.
  4. After activating your account, 你已经准备好开始提交过程-一个七步的过程,应该花不到一个小时完成. 你可以退出 & return anytime to complete the process.

Submission Process

左侧的导航选项卡允许您在工作时保存提交. Remember to hit the "Save & 继续”按钮 before leaving each section. 您可以随时离开ETD管理员,稍后再返回您的提交.




Select "Yes" for the greatest possible access to your work.

请注意:如果您选择“否”,ProQuest链接将无法通过Google访问,但是 ODU数字共享链接仍然可以在谷歌和谷歌学术搜索中找到. 如果你

select publishing options




Unless you have publishing or patent restrictions, 最好在它一出版就提供给大家.



禁运: You have the option to delay the release of your work. 如果你 want your work embargoed longer than 2 years, 选择“其他," add a note to the administrator, and select a reason. 你的申请将被送到研究生院审批.

点击保存 & 继续

然后,系统将提示您接受ProQuest发布协议以继续. You must accept the agreement to continue.

IR Publishing Options & Agreement (ODU Digital Commons) ODU的所有论文和学位论文都必须存放在大学的机构库中, ODU Digital Commons, administered by the University Libraries. 此提交与通过ProQuest发布同时进行. 你不必自己处理这件事,但你必须同意你的作品的保证金. 


ODU数字共享资源中的项目是开放获取的,可以通过搜索引擎获得. 像ProQuest/UMI协议一样,仔细审查协议,了解您同意的内容. 如果您有问题或疑虑,请联系研究生院.

Step 2: 联系 Information 


下一个屏幕提示您输入当前联系人信息, including Email and mailing addresses, and a future address if you will be moving soon. 这些信息将存储在ProQuest的内部数据库中.

  • 键入与学生记录中完全相同的姓名. 包括印尼.


(required), abstract, etc. Be sure to complete ALL required fields, and proofread for typos.


请注意:如果您在选择主题类别和关键字方面需要帮助, please contact libraries' Lead Cataloger, 凯西·琼斯

这里包含的信息应该匹配什么是包括在研究生工作本身-也就是说, 标题应与所提交稿件的扉页完全一致.

你可以复制粘贴你的摘要,但一定要再次检查粘贴是否正确. 该信息用于在ProQuest论文中创建书目记录 & 论文数据库.

Step 4: Upload the PDF -- One file only. 

step four screenshot


请注意: 如果你're submitting a pdf, you must ensure that 1) all fonts are embedded in the PDF; and 2) the PDF security settings allow printing and modification of the document. Both are critical to the publishing process. PDF Help is on the page.

Step 5: Uploading Supplemental Files (Optional)


第5步为您提供了上传补充文件的机会,以支持您的研究生工作. 例子可能是声音剪辑或研究数据的电子表格. You can upload as many 补充文件 as you need.

如果文件非常大和/或您的连接速度很慢, you may provide a zipped file or a cd, dvd, 或者u盘. 联系 the 研究生院 for more information.

submission and payment

Step 6: Filing for Copyright Registration (Optional)

This step is strictly optional. Your work is automatically copyrighted once it is written.

如果你 want an additional layer of protection, ProQuest will register your claim to copyright with the U.S. 版权办公室 收费的. For more information regarding copyright, click 在这里.

submission and payment

Step 7: Ordering Bound Copies of Your Work (Optional) 

ProQuest has a variety of binding options and costs. 注意: 如果你 chose to embargo your work, 你将不会收到你的装订本,直到8个月后,禁运已解除.

Please review all information that you submit. After completing the submission process, 您将收到一封Email,确认您的提交已被收到.

What to Expect After You Submit Your Thesis/Dissertation

ODU的 它的经理 在注册主任办公室将审查以下的论文/学位论文,并会让你知道是否需要更改

Items need to be in this order:

  • 封面上有你正式毕业的年份和月份
  • 学位头衔
  • 摘要
  • 版权页
  • 目录表
  • Vita (at the very end)
Personal Development- Continuing Education

Once the submitted pdf file is reviewed and accepted, and all paperwork has been received, your work will be locked, and no other updates can be made. 如果需要更改,请联系研究生项目主任或委员会主席 Email 注册办公室在24至48小时内解锁该项目.

您的作品将在正式毕业后30天提交到ProQuest发布. ProQuest将不会开始处理绑定副本,直到他们已经发布了工作. 您将收到一封来自ProQuest的Email,通知您您的作品已经发表.


Making Changes After Your Work Is Published By ProQuest

  • After your work is published by ProQuest, you must Email ProQuest for changes. T在这里 will be a fee.

  • 如果你需要做出实质性的改变,你需要研究生院的批准.

  • Email Karen Vaughan将修订提交给ODU数字共享.